Are you a Digital Citizen?

What is a Digital Citizen?

A Digital Citizen is someone who is confident in using the internet responsibly and respectfully. A Digital Citizen is aware of not sharing personal information in a public forum and will report any inappropriate or dangerous content that they have found on the internet. Digital Citizenship is having confidence in engaging with digital technology in a positive way (Department of Education and Training, 2016) (AITSL 4.5, 2016).

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(Thinglink, 2010)

How Do I Become a Digital Citizen?

(Grom Social, 2015)

In order to become a Digital Citizen it is important to be respectful and safe when communicating with others in the cyber world (AITSL 4.4, 2016). It is critical that you engage with safe and appropriate content when you are online and it is fundamental that you ensure that you are an advocate against Cyberbullying. There are three key rules that you should follow to be a Digital Citizen (Department of Education and Training, 2016). These are:

  1. Engage positively 

    Practice engaging with the cyber world with the #Gameon video. Learn from the characters how to inform yourself on cyber bullying, excessive gaming, privacy and safety, free downloads and online friends.

  2. Know your online world

    Further, develop your knowledge of your online world with an interactive animation Be Deadly Online.

  3. Choose consciously

    Follow the storylines of characters in #Tagged and learn about making safe choices in the digital world

(Giphy, 2013)

Your Digital Citizenship can be used all over the cyber world. It can be used when you travel to your favourite social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram etc. You can be a digital citizen when writing e-mails to people and when researching topics for school and personal interest (Ribble, 2016).


Take the Digital Citizenship Pledge!

When you have taken the pledge, complete the pledge form and share your pledges in the comments forum in this blog.


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